Assignment 3/2- Takeaways of Kylie Peppler and Nancy Baym readings

Takeaway of Kyle Peppler’s reading 

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Contributions that young people are making in the arts, interest-driven initiatives fall outside the traditional scope of arts education, there is a tendency to dismiss their importance and neglect opportunities to link young people’s interest in digital technology to learning other subjects and becoming innovators instead of consumers of media (Peppler, 
2013, p. 12) line between producers and consumers is being blurred and being referred to as participatory culture. I believe that there has to be a way to erasing those existing boundaries and let teenagers have the opportunity of using digital technology to expand their own creative and artistic manners in any subject matter. 

Kaiser Family Foundation study- looking at how much time youth is spending using Media- an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes. Too much media exposure. And rhythmic video games were the most popular, yet not the most used. The most used is TV content, with a use of 4 hours and 29 minutes on average. Youth from lower income families are more likely to use social media than teens from wealthier households.

Even though youth utilizes social media as a platform of expression and understanding of other teens, what has not been amazing as much is the quality of the content. How can we know? What is the difference between something with quality and something without? 

Takeaway of Nancy K. Baym’s reading:

Image by Jaime Franklin, 2011.

Retrieved from: https://mastersofmedia.

Social media influences our  relationships, more than we can keep our head across from. How is it that it can give a close tie to those who are far away, but also extrude the relationships we have close and in front of us? There is an exuberant amount of ways of connecting to others, messages, social media’s videoconference, or an old one, calling the other person. Life seem to have become easier to be connected to those who are far, but we can “edit” who we are; whereas in  in person, we cannot. Personality assets also can be interchanged in social media, it gives the voice to those who are introverts, who want to be someone else. or a method to express hard conversations in a platform that can give you the confidence for it. 

Those changes can be negative or positive,  but nevertheless, Media becomes a new way of building relationships. 

Some questions I reflected while reading the paper:

What are norms of online dating? Are the apps becoming more effective for bridging life in and out of the realm of the screen? Why some people change their persona? Is there a method to create a balance between being on the screen and off the screen when it comes to relationship with others?


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